
Based on 1,500,000+ users

"Sharper, more intense, and doesn't compromise on ethics"

"Reap the benefits of a massage session at home"

"I feel so relaxed I could fall asleep standing"

"Bring the massage parlor into your living room"

Mind & body balance

The Shakti Mat uses the ancient art of acupressure to turn attention inwards, promoting deep relaxation. Lie down for 20 minutes to cultivate:

From the converts

Ancient wisdom from India

Like yoga and meditation, acupressure begins with discomfort. As you learn to let go and invite the pressure in, you're rewarded with deep and restorative relaxation.

The Shakti Mat explained

From ancient art to modern science, here are four ways to explain how The Shakti Mat works on the mind and body.

Wellbeing promise

Lying on a bed of nails doesn't need to be daunting. If Shakti doesn't hit the spot, send it back for free.